How wide can your chandelier be in proportion to your table?


I've had a few discussions about this exact topic lately.  Can your chandelier be wider than your table?  How much less wide than the table should the chandelier be?

If you want an extremely over-sized chandelier, wider than or as wide as your table, you have to hang it higher than normal range.  The chandelier, or at the very least, the bulk of the chandelier, must be above the heads of anyone standing at your table.  I know we don't normally think of folks standing at the table; we envision them sitting, but you do have to consider where the chandelier is if you are standing at the edge of the table, and you do not want a light fixture right in the face, or forehead, of your guests.  I am a fan of over-sized chandeliers in the right space, but just be wary of how low it is. 

To help you visualize... the closer the chandelier's diameter is to the width of your table, the higher the chandelier needs to hang.

crystal chandelier in a large room

We pay more attention to the room measurements to get the correct sizing for your chandelier, and only consider sizing for the table if the table is unusually sized for the room.  There are a few guidelines out there... some say leave 6" from the edge of the widest part of the table.  Others say to use a chandelier that is anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 the diameter of your table - which is a big range.  Again, unless you have a very large dining room, if you purchase a chandelier that is appropriately sized for the room dimensions and ceiling heights that you have, then your chandelier will most likely be sized appropriately for the table you have.

Here are some additional links to help you choose the best chandelier size for your room.

A chandelier over a drop-leaf table.

Guidelines for how high to hang a chandelier over a table.

How wide of a chandelier to choose.

We are happy to answer specific questions about this topic.  Feel free to send us your dimensions, and we will give you our recommendations.


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  • King's Chandelier Company
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