Our Windsor in a Converted Church


I've always been intrigued by the idea of living in a converted church, and when I am in a new one, I imagine how I would make that church my home.  (I know, not what I'm supposed to be doing in church!)  I think I found the idea appealing when it was introduced to me as a teenager reading The Eiger Sanction. The book described the home, a former church, of the main character so well that I still remember it many (many) years later.

While working at home last week, I tuned into HGTV and the show "You Live in What" as background noise. "You Live in What" features a wide variety of buildings that have been transformed into homes, and in back to back episodes, I saw a bourbon distillery, a slaughterhouse, a grist mill, a synagogue, and a few churches. 

One church caught my eye.  I saw a flash of a dining room with a tin ceiling and purple walls, and thought, "I know that room!".  Many years ago, a thoughtful customer sent us a photo of his restoration/reformation in progress that showed that same tin ceiling.  At the time, he told me it was a church, but the details of the location have been lost over the years.  After some frantic pausing and rewiring on Thursday, I could confirm it was the same room, and I was able take a photo of the TV screen.  

The ceiling is just beautiful, though my photo does no justice to any elements in this room, including our Windsor chandelier.  

I love happening upon photos and videos of our chandeliers.  And, if anyone knows this home, I would enjoy hearing about more about it.  

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