Lamp Repair - We do it!


If you follow our facebook and Instagram pages, you know that we love to repair lamps.  Why throw out your old lamp just because it doesn't work?  Never do that!

Most lamps are pretty uncomplicated, and it is quite easy to change out the wire or the socket, or both in order to make them safe for use.

Make your single way lamp into a 3 way lamp simply by changing the socket, but make sure to stay true to the original wattage limits.  Most frequently these are due to the type and size of the shade that is on the fixture. 

Sockets switches can be turn knobs, keys, push thrus, and even pull chain.  Whatever suits you.

Change the location of your switch.  Switches don't have to be on the socket.  Rotary switches and step on switches can be placed on cords.  And, speaking of cords, they can be made shorter or longer to blend in with their surroundings.  

A good lamp repair store will have options to replace many types of lamp bases and will clean your lamp inside and out as needed. 

A new shade will always spruce up an old lamp, and if you can't find the right size, consider switch the harp out to one that will accommodate the size of shade that is available to you. 

Adding a new lamp finial is the perfect way to crown your newly refurbished lamp. Or add your own personality to an otherwise boring lamp by choosing a fun lamp finial.  Which brings me to the reason for today's blog.... we are adding lamp finials to our web site!  Yay!  (My fave is the pineapple lamp finial!)



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