Our First Catalog


From our first catalog, circa 1950:

Cover of the first catalog from King's Chandelier

Due to increasing scarcity and consequent higher costs of old crystal chandeliers, we are specializing in copies of some of these at a fraction of the price you would expect to pay, and without their losing any of the charm and elegance of the old ones. 

For years we have collected, sold and studied antique chandeliers and out of this knowledge, we have developed and carefully assembled by hand these models pictured of chandeliers, candelabra and sconces.

Our phone number may have evolved and a few things may have changed, but after 80 years, we are still going strong!

The H-44 featured on the cover is still available (see it here).  The price may be a bit more, but we are still dedicated to creating a beautiful chandelier, by hand, with the elegance and charm of the treasures of the past.


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  • Nancy Daniel
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